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Congratulations to Wayne Weaver.

Not a whole lot of guys racing these days with today's softer suspension set ups that also raced back in the early 80's when the cars didn't lean way over on the right side the way they do today.  Add to it that Wayne's getting it done on the new banked 3/8th's configuration after having getting wins in the past on the original 5/8th's and on the smaller inside track they ran for a while.  (Might be interesting to see how many different drivers have won on all 3 configurations, and probably not too many that were also winning back in the 80's that are still winning today.)

Wayne Weaver with his #12W at Bridgeport (early 1980's?)

Wayne's original #12W Sportsman, at Bridgeport in 2006 during a vintage event.

Wayne has always keep racing close, but always in perspective... Spent about 2 (?) decades racing, first in his #12W sportsman, then in modified competition later in the 80's and in the 90's (#2, #35, #O, and others), then for a while, was a big participant/supporter of the vintage circuit in NJ with his original blue Gremlin #12W and with a Tobias Tribute #17 Mustang (both cars that Wayne built). He also drove Dave Spurlin's #42 vintage coupe on quite a few occasions, and even took a drive behind the wheel of the restored #91 red, white and blue Weld car.

Once Wayne got close to retirement from from a very successful career, knowing he'd have more time on his hands, I think he started getting the itch again to run a "current" class, and if my memory is right, he first ran Speedstrs at Kutztown for a while, and then a New Egypt Sprint for a while, before finding a great fit with long time car owner Sal DeBrunno, running weekly at Bridgeport in the Crate division for the past few years. 

I'm not 100% sure, but I think he started racing around 1980, and if so, I'll need a calculator to figure out how many years Wayne has been racing, and winning!