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Kev- I agree 100% on your thoughts on the 5 or more divisions, all with less than full fields that do not require a consi.  I attribute it to the "back gate" curse.  I believe Grandview is all alone when it comes to 2 divisions, full fields.  When's the last time you saw a top runner, Brett Kressley in this case, not qualify for the feature! In todays Saturday night racing world, racers shoot for the "re-draw", and if that that doesn't happen, they're still in the big show.  Don't get me wrong, I love racing and still attend on a frequent basis.  For me, I think short fields and re-draws are here to stay.  But I think a lot of fans would appreciate seeing fewer divisions on a given night.  On the average, I think today's shows are too long. Just my opinion but I think fans would say less is better.  Scott Ely