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The Merrittville Speedway Joins Track Roster on ARRA Racing Website!! 


Ringoes,NJ – Continuing to add to the ever growing list of researched racing subjects on the Auto Racing Research Associates website, the Merrittville (ONT) Speedway is now fully researched and its history as a dirt race track (since 1952) has been documented and is on display on its own page on the popular auto racing statistics website for fans and press members to view and use. 

“This one was a true pleasure to do!” exclaimed ARRA President Fred Voorhees from the ARRA office located in his home in Ringoes,NJ. “For the longest while...there were geographical areas that just were not available to us racing historians to ferret out racing statistics from. The sources just were not out there. Most of the Canadian tracks just didn’t have much information at hand in the media to grab stats from. As time went by...I stumbled across a new addition to the on line subscription service newspapers dot com and thank God....there was a newspapers signed up called the St. Catherines Standard. “ Voorhees continued....”The Standard was a complete Godsend to me as far as results for the over 70 year history of Merrittville! From the grand opening of the track back in 1952 and on through 2014...The Standard provided almost consistent, weekly racing results from Merrittville Speedway. From 2015 forward...I had my large collection of racing papers that I could dig through to bring the file completely up to date.” 

The Merrittville research was especially exciting for Voorhees as it moves him closer to being able to research a driver that he feels should have been researched long ago...but due to the lack of stats available until made it impossible to take on a research project such as one like “Mr. Small Block” Pete Bicknell of St. Catherines, Ontario!  

“I haven’t really looked into a quick idea of how many wins Pete has in racing.” Fred revealed...”but its rumored that he has up around 400 wins. And this Merrittville research...along with our already available research on the Ransomville Speedway and planned research on the Humberstone Speedway will complete the triumverate of racing facilities that Bicknell dominated well as other tracks he has met with success at. It will complete a desire I have wanted for a long time...getting Pete’s successful career documented!” 

Those wishing to view the newest addition to the ARRA website can do so by clicking the link: 

Auto Racing Research Associates is a growing group of over forty auto racing historians across the country banded together for the purpose of the research, documentation and displaying of auto racing history such as driver win statistics, track, racing series and organizations histories and also the background of racing personalities, particular cars from the past and various other interesting facts of racing history that should not be forgotten. ARRA continues to build a network of associated auto racing related websites to unite for better chances of furthering the understanding of the past of our sport. ARRA offers looking up services for those looking for one particular piece of information from the past. They are the official statistics information source of the Flemington Speedway Historical Society and have been doing much of the research work for a number of years for the Northeast Dirt Modified Museum and Hall of Fame in Weedsport, NY.