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Some know that I've been on fumes lately, and the comments provided are good for the soul....

To clarify, I started 3 Wide's Picture Vault on November 13th 2002 with tech support from Todd J and Rob P who already had South Jersey Dirt Racing up and running.  I proposed the original idea for The Vault to just be a section on their site (SJDR), but time/other just wasn't making that possible to make happen, but they offered to show me how to build a website (which nowadays is pretty much just filling in a template with text and adding pics, but back then, was quite an undertaking using "Frontpage 98" which at the time was the latest and greatest when it came to creating websites.) 

The idea was to have a place where with the support of photographers and collectors, we could respectfully display photos, and add a few comments along the way.  It was a way to recognize and to show appreciation to those drivers... owners... crew members... track personnel... photographers...., that their efforts, although maybe shoved to the back of the stage for a while, had never been forgotten.  I wanted them all to realize how important those years... those "forever" memories that they created for us were, and as we have learned over the past 20 years, still are.

As for The Message Vault (which is the forum here that you are on now), I'm not really sure when we started this, but I'll figure it out someday... If I had to guess, I'd say probably close to 15 years(?)

Both sites have given me the opportunity to meet folks that I never would have met.  Both have taught me so much more about the sport than I ever knew.

I say it all the time, the thing that I am most proud of is you guys.  It's really an amazing group of folks that somehow have found their way here....  Whether for only a few months, or for many years. 

Folks that all have that one thing in common, and that's refusing to forget about "the show"... and the folks that made it all possible.