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Yup, I did shoot that Wolfgang wolf-man moon shot. It was in Open Wheel Magazine. It was a full moon that night at Flemington and the moon was in that spot at the track where Wolfgang raced by me. So that was a real thing that night. But truth by known--my photo was a trick shot, because it was impossible to freeze both Wolfgang and that moon in the frame, plus the moon looked way smaller with my short 85mm lens that night. So that would have looked like a dull shot with the moon being so small and or blurry with that lens. So to illustrate that 'Wolf(gang) howling at the moon' shot, I had to do some darkroom magic (no photoshop back then) and make a composite picture, which is two pictures combined on one sheet of photo paper. It was tricky combining a moon negative, that I shot earlier with a bigger telephoto, and the negative of the Wolfgang Stanton 75 racing by at Flemington. It took me a few times to get it to blend properly--all trial and error.