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Thanks for so all the comments.  The tinkering one really resonated with me.  I remember making "sun tea" in a container with lemons and sitting outside.  Now I can go to a supermarket, and there are about 100 different types of iced teas, but no sun tea.  This has led me to Sundays, which were meeting at a family member's house to have a big lunch, and then the parents would play pinochle while the cousins would play games using sticks and old footballs. This past Sunday, I really could not remember what day it was as every day seemed like the next. 

Tom Petty has a phrase in one of his songs that says, "Life is such a drag when you are living in the past."  But is it?  Have we gotten away from the simpler things in life?  Where have all the local amusement parks gone?  Race Tracks? Local Five and Dime shops?  I understand things change, but remembering the past, I believe, can help with the future.

Have you ever tried to go without any or all of the below for one day? How do you think you would feel?

1) No T.V.

2) No Internet

3) No Cell Phone

4) No A/C in the car or house - use fans only

5) No Microwave

6) No Dishwasher

7) No store-bought Iced Tea, Coffee


Is it that by going forward, we have also regressed?

I recently saw a young person from where I live going to his baseball tournament, wearing a pair of sneakers for the car, one for getting out of the car, and cleats for his game.  He had a bat bag with 10 bats in it.  

When we played (no baseball on Sundays as it wasn't allowed), we played in sneakers, and when our bat broke, we taped it with electric tape and hoped it would stay together for the next at-bat.


Thanks for listening
