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Honestly, I did not read the article. My AARN subscription expired earlier this year and I haven't renewed it. The wife and I used to go to Bowman Gray in the middle of the afternoon and grill some burgers or dogs and sit in the shade with some drinks before the races. And the parking lot would be filling up with other people doing the same thing. I got a serious Flemington in the 80s vibe from it. We have a dog now so we can't be away half the day so the tailgating is over. LOL. Also the fans are nuts and are part of the show. They don't typically get unruly, but there's good guys and bad guys in every division. Passion keeps the fans coming back. I've only made it there once this year and it was right after 4th of July so the crowd was off. It's funny cuz I thought drawing "only" 10,000 fans was a bad crowd. Oddly enough the wife and I are going on Saturday. Season finale and she hasn't been there yet this season.