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43 that i came up with off the top of my head, of those, my favorites are Grandview for sentimental reasons, Bridgeport 5/8 for the flat out, balls to the walls, fantastic racing (i miss you old friend), and Penn National due to the sheer talent of the field there and the fact that with probably close to 100 visits there (not an exact figure), i can't recall a snoozer of a race.....ever !

 Least Favorite are Oswego as they are trying too hard to reimagine something that simply is not there...too much hype creates too high of a bar to achieve....they don't !

Boardwalk Hall, Allentown indoor is simply not good. Pretty much a yellow every other lap...if you're lucky !

Unpopular opinion :Never really enjoyed East Windsor-went many many times and enjoyed the atmosphere, but the racing itself i found to be boring. With it's paperclip shape, the cars flew down the straights, but then almost came to a stop coming into the turns. That third heat was always talent laden though !