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The 50 sedan is based on a Les Katona frame that was built/owned by Art Roustay of Morrisville, Pa.  Art's garage was about 1/2 mile from Dave Piscopo's Auto Body (the Polecat #39).  I recall that Dusty Maulsbury  briefly drove the 50 at Windsor in 1973 or 74.  Art showed up with his sedan one night at Windsor with no driver and asked Chic Ronan if he'd like to drive it.  Chic be rideless at the time (sold his R-2 limited sportsman to ME) said yes.  Chic has some sucess with the car at Windsor and came close to winning a feature at Bridgeport.  He pulled off while leading with only a couple of laps to go due to a bad vibration.  Found out the right rear wheel was packed packed with mud.  The sedan body was replaced over the winter with a Gremlin.  according to Chic, the car never handled as good with the change in bodies.  In my opinion, didn't look as good either.  I'll post a photo when I find one of the Gremlin.  I think Kevin Eyres has a photo of the Gremlin #50.

Scott Ely  P.S.  It took about 5 races for me to realize I was no driver!