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Shoveled 4 yards of garden stone in the morning and then went to New Egypt as a fan. Sat in the pits and got to meet up with an ole buddy of mine that I havn't seen  since 1978! The modified main was very entertianing . Especailly when Grosso and Godown took each other out. 30 modifieds so the heats actualy meant something. Show was over around 9:45 and came home with 4 yards of dust on me. Not really the tracks fault. The wind was blowing directly towards the frontstretch, and with the right rears on these cars so pinned to the track I guess it's to be expected.

Also watched the last 50 or so laps of the 500. What an embarassment! They bent over backwards to give AJ a chance for his car to win with that circus ass red flag with one lap to go. Plus how the hell can anyone bash the NASCAR boys when the Indy clowns were running over the top of each other every lap, and spinning out in the pits, taking out their own teamates? 

Even watched about 2 laps of the Monaco race and then realized I would rather stick pins and needles in my eye balls.