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Following up to KevLink, good info, but if the part about the guys who did not qualify and as a result, not getting the money needed to race the following week was directed to my "And Now for Something Completely Different" post, I NEVER said that cars that didn't qualify (do not run the feature) would get less money than those that did qualify.

I would, and actually have suggested to those who were willing to listen to me, that those few cars that don't "qualify", and do not get to run the feature should get the same money as those who would have finished in the last few places of the feature.  I would also suggest they get 2 free passes, good for the next night that their division is on the schedule...  and, finally, that anyone who didn't qualify would get the top starting spots for the next time the division was on the schedule.

Somebody at some point has to realize that the show has to get high marks consistently in "Compelling", "Unpredictable" and "Fun" by those who are sitting in the stands, and who are deciding whether or not to comeback next Saturday.  I have been to shows this year and many did not get high marks in those categories....  Grinding away with the old heats and "consi's if needed" model is not helping...  It needs to change...  Actually, let me correct that... It needed to change about 5 years ago, and now may be too late.

If you don't fix that (the format of the show), you are turning the sport into Golf.... Where those who participate do whatever they have to do to pay for their fun, but good luck getting somebody to pay to watch them.