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Lenny: I have tons of 5x7 B&W prints that I made in my darkrooms from 1973 thru sometime in the mid/late 80's. I built two darkrooms in my parent's house (first one was small and had no plumbing) and then 2 more later when we bought our first house and then moved 4 years later to another house. Man, that was a pain. But by the 4th darkroom build, I got really good at it and didn't have to work from any plans--I just remembered where everything was located in the last three that I built. I jsut had to measure the counter heights and width and just bang out the rest. After each race in '73 and '74, I'd print some B&Ws with no info on them and throw them in a box. Starting in 1975 when I got a press pass,  I'd print a few for the newspapers and then during the week I'd print a few highlight shots for myself from each race and stamp the date and write the driver/car info on them right away, figuring I'd forget who was in which car later. Man that was time consuming too. At some point in the mid 80's, I think, I didn't have the time and I quit doing that mid-week-printing for my own collection thing and only developed the film and then printed a few for the magazine and then parked those B&W negs in sleeves. I rarely shot color print film but briefly did some color printing in my darkroom (maybe '77-'79). Besides B&W film, I shot slide film mostly only because Stock Car Magazine (and later Open Wheel) didn't like using prints--they preferred slide film if you wanted a better chance to get published. I liked slides--the colors and sharpness really popped on those compared to prints from color negatives, as it should be because slide film was first generation stuff (the original) and prints from color negs were a second generation thing (since they were a copy of the negative.) So I have lots of boxes of slides, too.