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 I went to the Hot Rods and Harley show in Rahway Saturday and didn't get back in time to drive to New Egypt , so I ordered Dirt Track Digest for the first time. It started out bad, the first three races there wasn't any volume and I thought, there's $27 bucks down the drain. But the TV crew fixed it and I got to watch it. I agree that the internission was pretty long. I was surprised to see Rick Grosso on the grader too. I know this will sound like I'm a little picky, but but New Egypt has a double fence on the front stretch which, one is the catch fence and the other is a netting. It's very reflective with the lighting at the track and does not make for a good view on tv. JMO. I remember Flemington use to turn their lights off in the stands during the races. I'm assuming for the same issue. When it's dusty, it's even worse. I know, can't do much about it. I rooted for 68 year old Frank Cozze. Will continue to watch.