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Thanks for the additional info. I guess the constant "reviewing of the video tape" by the tower, and then penalizing those deemed to be "over aggressive" isn't improving things.

Wall has been in my rotation pretty heavily the last few years, but I haven't been there this year because of the numerous delays that were occuring each of the last few times I was there last year when everytime there was a yellow, the "tower" would hold up the action to review the video tape to see what had caused the incident (even if it was an obvious spin/racing deal) to see if they (the officials) were going to lay down the law and deem an incident as over aggressive driving, and send someone to the rear... or worse.

By "worse" I mean, if the officials determined an incident to be the result of a driver's over aggressive actions, and if those actions caused damage to another car, to the point that the other car could not continue, then the "over agressive driver" had to retire from the race too....  Which meant that in addition to the time spent reviewing the tape, fans then had to sit there while the damaged car was towed off the track... and wait... and wait some more... and wait even a more, while the crew of the damaged car determined if their car would be able to return to action. 

I'm not making that up.

From the times I attempted to sit there, in the stands...listening to rumblings in the crowd of "Now what are we F'n waiting for....,"  it took quite a while... To the point that you forgot what race you were watching and what had been happening up until that point.

The "They're reviewing the video" stoppage of the action are an absolute deathblow to any momentum the race may of had up to that point, but that's probably not something anyone in the tower would realize because it's all probably pretty interesting and probably seems real important to them, but to the majority of those in the crowd who again....  wondering..... "Now what are we waiting for?" 

I thought the dependence on instant replay and the numerous delays it causes throughout the night was to reduce "over aggressive" actions, but based on the recap provided in the post above, with all the "over aggressive behavior" this past Saturday, it doesn't sound like its working.

Instant replay doesn't work when it is used in an unlimited manner.   It is not an exciting part of the show for the fan, and it should be used sparingly..... And try as they may, to make it seem exciting, it doesn't make the show more interesting after sitting there pace lap after pace lap, to have an announcer finally declare after 5 minutes of more pace laps under yellow, that "After reviewing the tape, the officials have determined that it was a racing incident, and was not an over aggressive driving incident."