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To the mention above regarding Kyle Larson, I didn't see what Kyle posted regarding the left side of his car, but I do know that when they interviewed him right after the wreck (after the huge impact to the right side of the car) he said the inside of his car was a mess or something like that.

With the way NASCAR controls the messaging every step of the way, I wouldn't be surprised if he or his raceteam didn't get a friendly "nudge" to put something out there quickly to defuse his statement about what we saw/experienced inside of his car, and instead, redirect the attention to how safe their wonderful new car is.

The focus should be on why the majority of the wrecks happen, and the answer is because NASCAR needs them to have a marketable product.  If they didn't need them, they would penalize drivers who cause late blocks that are usually the cause of the wrecks, along with drivers who push/knock others out of their way, which causes most of the others. 

"Boys Have At It" only works if "Boys Can Beat The Crap Out of Those Who Cause The Wrecks" and those days are long gone... 

Hate to say it, but they need to have blocking and avoidable contact rules like Indycar does, but I don't see it happening soon as they know that reducing the amount of wrecks will turn away even more of their dwindling fan base because they know that if you take away the "Big One" or more accurately "The Big Ones", and take away the almost predictable multiple Green White Checkered wreckfests, there's not a whole lot for NASCAR to work with...  Just look at the way they promote theirs sport with promos of cars flying throught the air backwards, etc., (with some burnout footage sprinkled in Undecided) which if it wasn't for the blocking and shoving they'd have nothing to promote their upcoming events.