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Today- Money, travel costs, Equipment costs!

Back in 1978 my my uncles race team ran in the sportsmen div. we ran Sat. if we made the sportsmen main we ran spl. Sunday shows at EW if we made money Sun top 10 we ran Fri, then Sat. and spl shows on Sun or Spl. Mod shows at Flemington we were a 5th to 10th place finisher in the sportsmen div. made some Modifed shows.

My uncle worked in the shop close to 7 days a during the  week from 6-to-11 and worked a full time job daily.

We did repairs on Race cars to make money to run the  race team, like most teams then you used to make your own parts, did most of your engine work. used to buy used tires from the bigger teams ran on donations. 

We may have had a month off in Dec. or started to prepair for the next year. 

Most teams run out of money or burn out, it's a rough sport and it's the life!