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Mr. Mayor:
Sorry for not being able to address you by name, I couldn't find it anywhere on the B.G. website.
Yesterday I had a luncheon to attend at a B.G. business. I parked in the nearly empty lot and paid the parking-meter. I drive a full size American made Chevy truck, with a nice fiberglass cap covering the bed. Also important to this issue is my dog that was in my truck. I parked so the truck would not be facing the sun and heating up the interior because my dog stayed in my truck, while I attended the luncheon.
When I returned to my truck, placed upon my windshield was a yellow envelope. This yellow citation ticket was because I had committed the dreaded crime of backing into a parking spot. What sort of extortion B.S. is this? In a nation where the elected are for & by the people, what sort of common logic endorses which way a vehicle is pointed when properly parked in a marked parking spot? Do you believe the citizens of B.G. sleep better knowing traffic "Safety Patrol" is patrolling the parking lots making criminals out of foolish old men that back into parking spots?
Safety being the key component here.
Ironically, some 30 minutes after learning of my self-induced safety hazard, while driving east bound on Wooster crossing Main, traffic comes to a halt; closing the intersection. Apparently some fool has double parked on Wooster causing chaos and aggravation to many motorists. As I take my turn to go around the double parked offender of public safety, I take note of this miscreant, it is the B.G. "Safety Patrol" officer's Jeep.
Safety being the key component here.
In conclusion I will concede to all that I have learned my 20 dollar lesson, parking & driving in B.G. is a safety crap-shoot. I wonder.... I wonder.... If there is a potential 20 dollar safety violation if one's valve stems are not properly aligned while parked in B.G.? It is about as much of a safety hazard as backing into a parking spot. Safety being the key component, not the money. Really?
Gene Steele
After I got their response to my letter and $ 20.oo check, I sent them this.
West bound on Wooster approaching Manville St. blinker on signaling left turn, light tuns green and luckily make a smooth arc onto Manville and quickly flick the blinker lever into the right turn position as any "skilled" operator of a motor vehicle should. luckily, skillfully and safely enter the nearly empty parking-lot, again. My favorite parking spot is open so the rusty Chevy truck swings a quick acute left between the white lines. Where we have a history. Squealing bang crack and crunching sounds emanate from the front of my rusty Chevy; darn snowplow. Sorry about your parking meter.
Ole Gene