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Now I see why pre-transponders, having the #'s on the roof was a big help for the scorers.

Funny thing about technology.... now tracks rely 100% on what the transponders say, and it often takes then multiple laps under yellow to get it straightened out before they can go green, to the point that I'll probably be watching more Flo this year instead of attending live, where I have no choice but to watch what seems like endless parade laps after each and every yellow.... while the folks in the tower review the transponder info... and then eventually having them finally say that the line up is ok (same way the cars had been lined up that the driver's had already figured out where they needed to by... Undecided )  Talk about a great way to kill whatever momentum the show may have been building.

Cool picture Paul - (Sorry for getting off on a tangent....)

Thanks for posting.