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....or, if he was that upset and realized that Jacob's car couldn't get the win, go on and motor on to the win, and as soon as they put the mic in front of you, say what happened, apoligize, and offer the difference in winnings to Jacobs.

Seems like you're really having a hard time with the idea that he lifted to try to give Jacobs a chance to recover (and most likely win since there was only 2 more corners left in the race), and that the offering to share a chunk of his share of winnings is no big deal. 

Like I said before, when's the last time you saw either of those things happen at a racetrack?

If I was the guy that got the shortend, I'm not saying that I would be sending him a thank you note, but I am saying that I'd rather hear what Jack said, instead of the standard now of "it was just one of those racing deals", or "the car got loose"... or "the car pushed up"... followed by "that's not how I race."

Of course the real important thing here is did it happen again?  I fully appreciate how Jack handled the situation, but I would be the first to bail on him if the same explanation/offering was needed the following week.