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To be honest, Grandview was the last PA-NJ track I thought would no longer operate.  But, I guess its tough to turn down the $$$ and continue to run, even with the problems that all promotors face on a nightly basis.  The other option is take the $$$ and live out a comfortable life.  I grew up in Jobstown,NJ in what was predominantly farm country (about 2miles from joint military base Dix, McGuire, Lakehurst).   In early 70s, farms were starting to be sold for housing developments.  Can't blame the farmers I guess.  Easy $$$ vs. hard work for not much $$$.  Not sure if it was a state, county or local initative, but a program was started to pay farmers $$$ not to sell but to continue to operate as a farm.  I knew a couple of older farmers who leased out their land to other farmers.  I don't know if the arrangement called for a cap on what a farmer could make but it wouldn't surprise me if there were income limits.  Anyway, it would be nice if Grandview would qualify for a deal like NJs, which I belieive is referred to as Open Space.  Guess I'm dreaming, or reaching for straws, as they say.  I've noticed more houses popping up near Grandview on, and near rt. 100.  Maybe its only a matter of time when the track's "new neighbors" would force the track to close.  Scott Ely