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I was fortunate enough to see that car 2 times when it was under construction! Unfortunately both times I kind of seen it from a distance as it was kind of pushed into the corner of the shop and was somewhat covered up.  If I remember corectly (this is going back over  40 years), I  think the first time I saw it was at Brenn's shop in Warren when it was about 75% done. Had the body on it but no paint. Then I saw it again when It was kept in the shop next door to Tony Feil's in Raritan. If I remember correctly Rolfe Schnur had a big part in the construction of the car and was hooked in with Tony somehow.

The one thing I do remember is ........when I first saw it I had no idea what I was looking at. My memory is a bit fuzy, but there was something really trick about the rear. It had either independant A arms or something similar to what the mods run today. 

I'm sure Bill Humphrey (bill123), is the guy who would know the most aa he worked on all the Brenn cars..