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My dad and I had them all...  Redbone, Black and Tan, Bluetick, Redtick, Plott, and even a few Walker's.

That's a good looking Bluetick pup the guy is holding in the picture.  Reminds me of one that my dad and I had that was simply named "Bob."  Turned out to be one of the best ever....  Had a bawl mouth, and then a fast chop on the trail, and once he was treed, he sounded like he was yodelin'!

When you heard the yodelin', time to head to the tree.....

We also had two redbones (there's one in the same picture peeking his nose over the marker.)  They were litter mates (Sadie and Queenie.) 

Funny how probably close to 50 years later I can remember those dog's names like it was yesterday.

There wasn't much cross over between coonhounds and racing, but I know that Leon Manchester had a few back in the day.

I was real fortunate now that I think about it...  Probably not too many kids that grew up in NJ in the 70's with coonhounds, beagles, BB guns, go karts, mini bikes, dirt bikes, woods cars, and stock car racing!