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Yes drivers have received concussions since they got into a race car back in the day. However we cannot stop the brain from moving in the skull no matter how we paired move or restrain a drivers head. The other thing we need to consider is the fact that many drivers and I can name a few have transected there a order and a front impact crash we can't stop the heart from moving anymore than we can stop the brain from moving in the skull. One of the lessons learned back in the late 80s and 90s was by putting a kick up in the front frame and gave a crush zone that lessened the possibility of transecting the aorta they found the cars were simply too rigid I only hope that we don't have to go through that learning experience again  with the new car. The new car has been great for racing I'd like it I never thought I would say that however there's problems with it and NASCAR seems to be reluctant to address it to some extent if they did we were still wouldn't have wheels falling off the cars that seems to me to be an easy fix but that would make them look bad and that's something that NASCAR's top brass does not want to have happen.  Racing is inherently dangerous it always will be until the day we stop doing it however as advances come about we have mitigated a lot of those dangers and hopefully will continue to do so with an open mind and open eyes. I've series over my ears and racing to help develop safety issues and devices and the Racing is inherently dangerous it always will be until the day we stop doing it however as advances come about we have mitigated a lot of those dangers and hopefully will continue to do so with an open mind and open eyes. I've worked with different race series over my years in racing to help develop safety issues and devices and have found a reluctance to do so by many of the sanctioning bodies NASCAR in particular . As recently as two years ago I went to NASCAR with an idea that would reduce head injuries and they liked it. But then they turned around and said that they wanted the rights to and they wanted to own it and I was supposed to just give it to him because I'm a nice guy.  i've been involved in racing for over 30 years from the safety and the one thing that I found is there is a reluctance for people to try new things or to look at things as what they might be able to do the lesson injuries. There is that mindset that well it didn't happen to me when I was a kid I'm fine my kid doesn't need that helmet or no I've race for 30 years and I've never had a problem with the head injury so no I'm not gonna wear it or I'm not gonna do it. I love racing down anybody on the site everything that I don't however I see the need for improvement and unfortunately a lot of times whether it's me or someone else those improvements fall upon deaf ears either with the sanctioning bodies and the powers to be or the drivers them selves.  PS. Thanks Joe for the comment I don't come here to argue I don't come here to fight I share my views and my opinions like anyone else I appreciate this site as this is probably my last and only connection left the racing you do a great job as well as all the rest of the staff and I enjoy the dialogue with the drivers and car owners and fans to come to the site on a daily basis thanks again D