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I can remember Stan Ploski winning something like 9 in a row at Windsor in the Big Donkey.  Was rooting for anybody, even Satan, to beat him!  At some point that same season or later, my guy, Pee Wee Griffin rips off around 4 in a row and I loved it!  BUT overall, I don't think its good for any track to be dominated by one driver.  We are lucky (I guess) to have to ongoing experiments on this very subject.  That being Bridgeport and New Egypt.  Since I'm not a fan of either driver (B. Grosso and Godown), their dominating the competition maksed it less enjoyable for me.  To be honest, I was clapping when Godown passed Grosso for the heat win at the New Egypt STSS show this past Tuesday.  They're both very good drivers.   To me, Godown's the real deal.  He's earned his way to the top.  The Grosso boys on other hand, are running the best stuff $$ can buy. That doesn't hurt and helps the learning curve.  Again, both are very good and are currently both on magic carpet rides (BTW, love Steppenwolf).  Just my opinion.  Scott Ely