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Thought I would share these with you. I thought it was interesting from a couple of non race fans who basically tune into Daytona and Indy.

Their questions to me really challenged why I even watch. 

-How can someone win a race without racing across the finish line first under the checkered flag?

-With all the griping I have done about stick and ball sports and their endless replays and proudly saying racing doesn’t waste time with replays, they took me to task. Not only do they use replays, replays are used to determine a WINNER!! Thanks NASCAR. I’m the fool. (I was really referring to our Friday and Saturday night short tracks, but they really have no idea about those.)

-Why not let them finish under green? They were observant enough to note the crash was behind the leaders.

-A yellow light determines a winner? Makes no sense no matter how they want to twist it.

-Who is responsible for the yellow light? What prevents them from waiting until a specific driver is leading to turn on the yellow light?

-What's with these yellows when there is no crash? They were referring to stages.

I thought they were valid questions and finally said you'll need to contact NASCAR as NASCAR make no sense to me.