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Thanks for asking Pee Wee Fan, and here's kind of the long winded answer:  We're fine with folks providing links to sites that make the effort to provide photographer information, and collector information (the "collector" being  the person that held onto the original image for all those years/other, so that it could be then be scanned/digitized/scaled/corrected/embedded..., making it ready to be viewed on line decades later.)

The way we see it is that if it wasn't for the original photographer, and for the original collector, there would be nothing to see all these years later. 

That's why we can confidently say that well over 95% (maybe more?) of what you see in 3 Wide's Picture Vault was supplied by the original photographer, the original photographer's family, or by the holder of the original image.  That is also why we can say that if you see a picture on our site, it had never been posted on line anywhere else prior to us posting it on 3Wides.  If I couldn't do it that way (post original images, and provide photographer/provider credit), I wouldn't have a site, and I mean that sincerely.  That is also the main reasons why I continue to ask that those posting on the Message Vault, to please only post original images, and/or to let us know who the photographer/collector or website where the image was originally found to also be provided.

That's certainly not the case out there with a lot of sites, Facebook pages, etc.,.  For those with a keen eye, you'll notice that in many cases "somebody" will use the crop feature on an image that originally appeared on our site (or possibly appeared originally on another site), and will then repost it without any photographer/provider info as to where it was lifted from.  You can sometimes tell because in most cases, they'll be very little background above and below the car in the picture (sometimes even part of the tires/other is cut off) in an attempt to remove the photographer/provider info that had been in the image as it was originally posted on our site/an original site.

Not a lot of love on this end for sites that welcome those cropped down images to their site, and or who post stuff without any concern/attempt at recognizing the photographer/collector.  Since we started 20 years ago, we've seen it get much worse to the point now that people have image sites, who make absolutely no attempt to recognize/give credit to the photographer/provider, etc.

I can't control what other people do, but since you asked.... I'm not a big fan of linking to those sites where no credit is given.  For those of you who enjoy visiting those sites too, maybe the next time you're on there, and you see those original images as mentioned... cropped down so what was embedded can no longer be seen, maybe you can let them know that if they want to see where the original came from, send them over to !