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If in 2022... your favorite local driver... after watching him make his way up maybe from Sportsman to Modified over the past few years..., all of a sudden got a deal to finish out the remainder of the 2022 season in a top notch NASCAR cup ride, would you watch?

The point I was trying to make is that it is really a shame that so many drivers out there, on their way up... who probably at some point might of had visions of driving at the cup level... and then when they get there, it's a matter of who is willing to throw the most ill advised block (wrecking 1/4 of the field) or who is willing to punt the leader out of the way on the last set of corners to then take the win.... 

It's a shame that what shouldn't be and in many cases isn't tolerated at the local level (on the way up), is rewarded at what some would say is the top level.

Sad to say but I'm sure that all cup owners are probably re-evaluating their drivers and thinking that if any of their current drivers aren't willing to throw a wreck causing block, or not willing to punt a guy out of the way for the win, then they may need to look for someone else to fill the seat for 2023.

...Just another example of how far away Nascar cup overall is from where it once was.