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No need to apoligize for liking the event Kev.  Kevin E asked for folk's opinion and I think it's great to see the variety of opinions/thoughts from everyone.

As for the new car, I was also surprised at the about the amount of damage on Haley's car after contact with the inside wall, although if they were jersey barriers, I'm wondering if he hit right where two of them met, and if so, if the then exposed end of a barrier kind of dug into the left front wheel.

Speaking of concern about the new car, I'd also be concerned about what happened to Blaney's #12 when Erik Jones hit the back of him with contact that I think in the past would have resulted in maybe a tire rub, but with the new car, ended up causing more severe damage, with Blaney pulling off and getting out of the car.

Reddick also had concerns about breaking the driveline just by trying to warm up the tires while under yellow.

Oh well, 8 days and probably about 130 more mph to go before qualifying at Daytona begins.  Hopefully they'll figure it out by then.