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Sad news has reached us over the weekend of the passing of one of our very first founding members, Bill "$ Bill" Sienko.

It was just a little less than 20 years ago that Mike (Bill's younger brother) and I were sitting at the Canon cafeteria having lunch where we both worked at the time... talking about the great old days of racing, and of me learning that Bill had quite a collection of photos that he had from his many visits to Old Bridge in the late 50's - early 60's.  I was just starting the website then and I asked Mike if Bill ($ Bill) would be willing to let us post some of his photos in The Vault.

The result were some really great "home style" pictures of the cars and drivers from Old Bridge Speedway, which I'm sure that many of the Vault visitors have enjoyed looking at over the years, and it wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of Bill "$ Bill" Sienko.

Here are a just a few examples of images by/provided by $ Bill that can be found in the 50's Section of 3 Wide's Picture Vault:

We will always be grateful for Mike and his brother $ Bill's efforts to help us get the site up and running with those great images, and with the thoughts and comments shared here in the year's since.

We send our condolences to Mike, and the Sienko Family on the passing of Bill Sienko.