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LOL. I have to laugh when I see someone post....."If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I'm just wondering if the top race car mechanics think that way? Probably not, or they wouldn't be at the top.

I suggested some changes to this forum many years ago and got shot down then. And was basically given the reason above. Also that there were amy 'old people' here that don't like change, which I thought to be ironic, given the subject matter here.

I'm 70. I built 2 race cars and drove both. Built a couple business's. Learned about computers back when we used tape drives for storage. I know people much older than me who now know their smart phones inside and out.

So yes, please. Update the forum. Finally. This is really old software. (like us;-)). But that doesn't mean it works well.

I'd like to see different categories. Call them folders or whatever. Not a lot, but enough to make it all make sense. Like maybe.....

Current News and Results (they could be two different categories)

Maybe a category for each well known track that's no longer here? Or not....maybe instead, categories for time periods? Much like the photos on the main site? I'm just throwing stuff out there.

I've never had issues posting photos. And not sure if videos can be posted, but links to YouTube or elsewhere are better. (saves your bandwidth)

And while not as important, a nicer design, maybe. I hearby volunteer to help with that, if needed.

That's all I can think of right now. Been taking a new online class and my brain is fried:-) using the forum on phones. I don't, but many people use their phones for everything. So yeah, having what they call a 'responsive site' would be good so that you could easily use the site on computers, phones and tablets.