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OK so lets address a few things here.

How is what larson and Elliot did any different then Gibbs switching pit crews with Busch and Hamlin? The rule book states very clearly the fast timer gets to choose his pit stall. So to there credit they broke no rules.

Moreover there is example after example of team mates helping each other on pit road for the past 30 years. How many times have you seen 2 team mates pitted next to each other, under green flag stops, not come in together just so they don't crowd each other?

Why did you not throw Truex under the bus? After all he was the one that started this whole mess when he tanked the last 10 laps at Richmond years ago so Bowyer would advance to the playoffs. I believe that was the final nail in the coffin of Michael Waltrip racing after they got caught cheating at Daytona.

Hell this cht has even happened over in NHRA when John Force purposly red lighted or (I can't remember), buzzed the tires on launch so (Robert Hight?) advanced on into the playoffs. 

At least it's not as brazen as Fromula 1 where it's written into the contracts as to who finishes secong.