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I haven't read what Nascar's intentions are with Bowman Gray (just stay in the background, or are they going to get involved with the running of events and what determining what series will run there?)

If they do plan on being active, I just don't see what Nascar brings to the table that will make Bowman Gray any more enjoyable for those who attend it now.  I've never been there, but does Bowman Gray really need their help/direction?  How is "the product" going to be better?  Are they looking to promote it to a national audience, maybe as a teaser to try to get new fans to attend Nascar events when holding events in a city near them?  Probably a minor point, but will ticket prices remain the same for those that have supported the track for years, or will it go through the usual Nascar upgrade, that for me in the past meant more $'s, less convenient either because of "TV start times, or less room because they have to make way for all those attending as part of a some sort of hospitality deal, rather than the grunts like us who were there from the early days?

From what I've read, Bowman Gray looks like one of the most successful short track shows in the country, and it may be short sighted on my part, but it might be Nascar is looking to put their name on an already successful product, and as is usually the case, they'll make it appear to those not paying attention very closely, like if they created it.  (I can hear Boyer now:  Another huge Nascar success!)

I have seen in the past (and in this thread) that some of you guys are ok/enjoy the type of racing offered at the LA Coliseum over the past few years.  It's a big no for me.  I think it's alwful... overhyped... "forced", and really, totally unnecessary.  I don't think it appeals to a majority of current fans, and I don't see it attracting the masses that Nascar expected to usher in to replace us.

I admit, I'm getting more and more negative with each passing year, but I think Bowman Gray is just fine the way it currently appears to be operating. 

I feel like I've seen this movie before where someone decides that the program run at a successful local weekly short track needs to be taken to the next level.....  When that happened in NJ, within about 10 years, the track was permanently closed, and another 10 years after that, you could buy anything you needed for your home improvement projects, and order a medium rare filet at Longhorns.

Gotta go... I'm missing Matlock. Laughing