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I happen to know how these things work because I did press releases for Flemington and I am sure any on line site such as SJDR or 3Wides could have simply gotten in contact with track PR person Jeff Ahlum and requested to be put on the press release list and would have been accomodated. 

   Now, to your point.  JH Long insinuated that the press releases had "gone downhill" since Ernie left the job.  That is not challenging the disposition of and distributing of the addresses the content, or lack thereof of the releases.  Its called comprehention 101.  And I will say again, with complete certainty, that the releases have not decreased in content one iota from when Ernie fashioned them.....not one bit are they different or any less informative of what happened than when Ernie composed them.  In fact, I could swear that Jeff was mimicking the exact way Ernie did them because they followed the same exact format! 

  To  your question about how long it would take to add a few forums to the release list?  Absolutely not a second longer since all of those recieving the releases are bundled into one sending file, therefore, one push of a keyboard key sends the release to all of them.  The only extra work involved is a one time addition of a 3Wides or SJDR email address to the recieving file and for the price of like fifteen seconds work...they are added.  So, maybe you should direct your ire towards those sites who failed to recieve the releases because all they had to do to to recieve them was to ask.  Its as simple as that.