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Feel preety dumb about stating that Rick Eckert wound up on his roof when it was another car (since I was there).  Still, a nice comeback by Eckert!  DON, I always enjoy the 4 bangers as they usually put on a great show.  However, 7/3 was pretty much a runaway by one of the Dunns over a small field of cars.  I believe less than 10.  For me, the feel good part of the 4 cylinders was the # K-9 (painted like a police, with grill mounted blue/red flashing lights) passing several cars in the late going to finish 3rd.  Don't recall the officer's, I mean, driver's name but it was announced he lives right next to Bport!  When leaving the track, his house is the very 1st (and maybe the only) house on the left.  He's only 30 feet from the first entrance to the track!   

Again, sorry for the mis-information regarding the late model finish.  I blame my confusion on all the late models involved in the late accident being red. 

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!  Scott Ely